New Generation Solid State type Ultra High Frequency X-Ray Generator
Sleek and compact size Microprocessor controlled X-Ray Generator which ensure onsite upgradability of machine in future.
Microcontroller based New Generation Control Panel with Large Touch Screen LCD display
Graphical User Interface based APR and parameter selection simplify machine operation.
Choose between Two Point and Three Point Exposure Technique as per user requirement of dose management and documentation purpose.
Double action (Ready & Expose) hand switch with retractable cord provide more safety to operator is standard feature in all Vision X-Rays.
High quality X-Ray tube. Optional: Tube Mounted Controls with advance features.
Variety of X-Ray Table viz. 6-Way movement table, 4- Way Floating Table, Multi-position Table, Horizontal Table, Mobile Horizontal Table, R.F. Table etc.
Tube Stand and Vertical Bucky Stand with smooth movements with electromagnetic locking.
Sturdy and High Strength Mechanicals, stands made of corrosion resistant material.